Personal Injury Lawyers Fighting
to Maximize Your Recovery


Foreign objects in Spam could lead to products liability claims

Many people utilize prepackaged foods as part of their meals. Some Connecticut residents may simply enjoy the taste of certain items, and others may appreciate the ease that these products can provide. However, issues could arise with certain foods that leave consumers facing injury and companies facing products liability claims. It was recently reported that…

Medical malpractice: Negligence can lead to fatal outcomes

It is always a devastating time when a person’s worst nightmare comes true. Though each person may have his or her own worst case scenario, for some, that event could involve instances of medical malpractice that lead to the loss of loved ones. Unfortunately, numerous individuals are affected by these tragic circumstances. In particular, negligence…

Can you sue for a misdiagnosis?
Legal Team|June 9, 2018|Blog

You may have been suffering with symptoms for a number of years. The possibility of not knowing what is causing your pain all of this time has got to be very stressful for you. So, you go to the doctor and are finally diagnosed with having something but a second opinion says you were misdiagnosed….