Personal Injury Lawyers Fighting
to Maximize Your Recovery


Do Drivers Have Bad Habits Behind The Wheel Near Schools?
Legal Team|November 15, 2017|Blog

Did you know that car accidents are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens? It’s a sad but true fact. And one of the most dangerous places for kids when it comes to being hit by a car? On or near their school grounds. This is not surprising, but something can be done about…

A Fatal Connecticut Motor Vehicle Accident Causes Legal Complications
Legal Team|November 13, 2017|Blog

Serious car crashes can occur in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, motor vehicle accidents have a tendency to have tragic outcomes, and those involved could face serious or fatal injuries. The ways in which individuals choose to deal with the aftermath of this type of event may differ, but for many parties, considering legal…

Medical Malpractice Could Lead To Unnecessary Surgeries

Having to go through any type of medical procedure can be daunting. When it turns out that major surgeries were not necessary, patients may feel violated, confused and concerned over the issues. Because invasive medical procedures can have life-changing effects, individuals who have been the victims of such situations may wish to consider filing medical…