Personal Injury Lawyers Fighting
to Maximize Your Recovery


Crib Mattresses Recalled Due to Fire Hazard
Legal Team|December 21, 2017|Blog,Products Liability

Parents of young children often want to do whatever they can to protect their kids. This desire typically leads Connecticut parents to use child-safe products in hopes of avoiding any unfortunate accidents that could involve their children. However, some issues with certain products may not become known until after distribution, and if injuries occur, parents…

Corded Window Blinds: Dangerous In Homes With Young Children
Legal Team|December 19, 2017|Blog

Most homes have window blinds. Families with children younger than 9 should carefully inspect their blinds, curtains, and other window adornments to prevent a tragedy from occurring. Exposed pull and tilt cords — along with tightly threaded inner cords — have the potential of strangling toddlers and youngsters who get wrapped up in them while…

Connecticut Pedestrian Killed In Crash

Fatalities can happen under any number of circumstances. When motor vehicle accidents involve pedestrians, it is not unusual for those pedestrians to suffer fatal injuries. Unfortunately, many families are often left reeling after such events, and determining how to handle the situations can be difficult. However, some individuals may feel that legal action may suit…