Personal Injury Lawyers Fighting
to Maximize Your Recovery


Object Left After Surgery Leads To Medical Malpractice Claim

Needing surgery can cause Connecticut residents to have mixed reactions, as certain mistakes could lead to one needing a medical malpractice lawyer in New Haven. Some individuals may feel relieved that they are in line to receive treatment for an ailment, and others may feel nervous about having to undergo an operation. Unfortunately, medical malpractice…

Connecticut Car Accident Leads to Multiple Injuries

Car crashes are a relatively common event. Unfortunately, these incidents rarely become easier to take note of as they often result in serious or fatal injuries. A car accident often affects numerous people, and it may take multiple individuals a considerable amount of time to recover from injuries that such an event may cause. If…

Successful Medical Malpractice Claims May Yield Awards For Damage
Legal Team|December 28, 2017|Blog,Medical Malpractice

Losing a loved one under any circumstances can be tough for Connecticut residents to handle. Some deaths may be somewhat expected, as those that involve long-term illness and others may come completely out of nowhere. Unfortunately, the actions or inaction of other people can sometimes contribute to these unexpected deaths, and if a doctor or…