Personal Injury Lawyers Fighting
to Maximize Your Recovery


Medical malpractice believed to have contributed to boy’s death
Legal Team|April 4, 2018|Blog,Firm News

The death of a child is an experience that no parent wants to go through. Unfortunately, this type of scenario affects numerous families too often. In some cases, the circumstances under which the death occurred are unavoidable, but in others, someone may have been responsible for the fatal outcome. If individuals believe that medical professionals…

Tailgating significantly increases chances of car accidents
Legal Team|April 4, 2018|Blog

If asked to name common causes of car accidents, you may cite drunk driving, texting while driving or speeding. While all these are valid factors, you may be surprised that tailgating is one of the leading contributing factors of Connecticut accidents. Looking at 2014 Connecticut crash data, nearly a third of accidents resulting in injury…